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Phil Goodrich

Phil Goodrich

Home Town: Fork, North Carolina, USA.

World traveller Phil Goodrich, is a talented surfer and artist who follows his own path, striving to create lasting images that transcend trends. Along with surfing, travel has greatly influenced his work. Goodrich still counts exotic locals from around the globe as his preferred subjects — people from Mexico; Barbados; Costa Rica; Panama; Ecuador; Nicaragua; Peru; Haiti, and his favorite destination, Indonesia, where he’s logged some 22 months travel experience over the decade or so.

A Florida native now based in South Carolina, studied Studio Art at San
Diego’s Point Loma Nazarene University. It was during this time that he first began using pastels and watercolors, developing his style into a more realistic one inspired by Klimt, Lipking, Degas, and Manet.

Since 2005, Goodrich has been using oil on wood regularly, and has focused on portraying obscure Blues musicians. “I like to paint the ones people many have forgotten about. I associate myself with a lot of them because they weren’t concerned with fame or fortune — they just loved the music.”

Goodrich finds himself feeling the same way about his two main passions: art and surfing. “I have a high level of skill when it comes to tube riding, but put me in a contest jersey and I’m hopeless. It’s the same with my art; people seem to enjoy my work, but when it comes to the business of promoting and selling it, I’m similarly at a loss.” He has been searching for “the perfect wave” as well as beautiful subjects to immortalize in his paintings. “When I push the limits of my physical body, it releases my mind to relive incredible moments of my life. As I stand and draw, these memories guide my hand and I begin to groove and flow.” — Phil Goodrich

“For the last ten years I have been traveling to Indonesia to surf and paint. I currently live in South Carolina with my wife, Crystal and 3 dogs.”

He has found that perfect medium of doing what he loves, painting, and still having time to participate in the activity he loves most, surfing. His passion is obvious…as you’ll see below.